Université Internationale de la Mer

Près de 300 vidéos à votre disposition pour vous permettre une acculturation aux océans, mers et littoraux dans leurs multiples dimensions – géopolitique, économique, environnementale, sociale, etc.. Notre vidéothèque n’est pas exhaustive (elle ne le sera jamais) et donc évoluera au fil du temps. Majoritairement en anglais et partiellement en français (pensez à régler vos paramètres YouTube, Vimeo, etc. avec un sous-titre adapté), les vidéos ont des durées variables et sont issues d’organisations publiques et privées : elles n’engagent que leurs auteurs et hébergeurs. De votre côté, si vous avez une vidéo à nous recommander, n’hésitez pas à le faire par notre formulaire https://www.univ-mer.org/contact/

Nearly 300 videos at your disposal to help you learn about the oceans, seas and coasts in their many dimensions – geopolitical, economic, environmental, social, etc. Our video library is not exhaustive (it never will be) and therefore will evolve over time. Mainly in English and partially in French (remember to adjust your YouTube, Vimeo, etc. settings with an appropriate subtitle), this videos have variable lengths and come from public and private organizations: they engage only their authors and hosts. From your side, if you have a video to recommend to us, do not hesitate to do so by our form https://www.univ-mer.org/contact/  

Ocean Governance: State Roles and Actions

Who Owns the Sea?

Introduction to Ocean Governance: A focus on the UK Environment

Introduction to Exclusive Economic Zone

The Law of the Continental Shelf

Where do we draw the lines? The waterways are important to national security as well. But how do you put boundaries on something constantly in motion? What happens to countries with no coastline? Can they partake of the ocean’s bounty? What happens when nations fight over liquid property rights?: 13 min – 2017

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) TV recording of the first in the new Webinar Series by the Ocean Governance Special Interest Group: 58 min – 2020

Introduction to Exclusive Economic Zone: 29 min – 2017

The Law of the Continental Shelf: 40 min – 2017

United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea

Baselines and delimitation

Regime of Islands

Une nouvelle forme de colonisation menace l'océan

UNCLOS is an acronym for the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The convention is also sometimes referred to as the Law of the Sea Convention or the Law of the Sea treaty: 7 min – 2019

Baselines and delimitation: 47 min – 2018

This video discusses the regime of islands under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, following the decision in the South China Sea Arbitration (Philippines v China): 36 min – 2018

Une nouvelle forme de colonisation menace l’océan.
Olivier Dubuquoy, de l’ONG ZEA, milite pour sa libération: 3 min – 2018

Ocean Governance: International Rules and Zones

History - The Law of the Sea’s Conceptual Framework

Droit international de la mer et ressources situées en mer

History - The Ocean as a Common Heritage of Humankind

Introduction to International Law of the Sea

OceanMOOC -The Law of the Sea’s Conceptual Framework: 10 min – 2017

UVED – Aperçu du droit de la mer et des grands enjeux qui lui sont associés. Définitions essentielles pour bien comprendre ce domaine : 12 min – 2015

OceanMOOC – The Ocean as a Common Heritage of Humankind: 15 min – 2017

MONASH University – An Introduction to International Law of the Sea: 21 min 2020

Introduction to UNCLOS and the sources of the law of the sea

Introduction to International Legal Method

Introduction to Exclusive Economic Zone

The Law of the Continental Shelf

MONASH University – Introduction to UNCLOS and the sources of the law of the sea: 19 min – 2020

MONASH University – Introduction to International Legal Method: 23 min – 2020 

MONASH University – Introduction to Exclusive Economic Zone: 29 min – 2020 

MONASH University – The Law of the Continental Shelf: 40 min – 2020 

Baselines and delimitation

Regime of Islands

VIỆT NAM - The Seas of Coastal Countries under UNCLOS 1982

MONASH University – Baselines and delimitation: 47 min – 2017

MONASH University – Regime of Islands: 36 min – 2018

A video to understand a concrete case, between China and Vietnam: 7 min – 2022

Ocean Governance: Security

Introduction to the Smuggling of Irregular Migrants by Sea

Migrant smuggling, the slave trade and the law of the sea

Maritime Security and the Blue Economy

Geography 2050 - Maritime Safety and Security

MONASH University – Introduction to the Smuggling of Irregular Migrants by Sea: 29 min – 2020

MONASH University – Migrant smuggling, the slave trade and the law of the sea: 28 min – 2020

SafeSeas – Maritime Security and the Blue Economy: 10 min – 2021

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency – Nov. 17 for the Geography 2050 Symposium and featuring NGA Director Vice Adm. Robert Sharp: 70 min – 2020