Université Internationale de la Mer

Près de 300 vidéos à votre disposition pour vous permettre une acculturation aux océans, mers et littoraux dans leurs multiples dimensions – géopolitique, économique, environnementale, sociale, etc.. Notre vidéothèque n’est pas exhaustive (elle ne le sera jamais) et donc évoluera au fil du temps. Majoritairement en anglais et partiellement en français (pensez à régler vos paramètres YouTube, Vimeo, etc. avec un sous-titre adapté), les vidéos ont des durées variables et sont issues d’organisations publiques et privées : elles n’engagent que leurs auteurs et hébergeurs. De votre côté, si vous avez une vidéo à nous recommander, n’hésitez pas à le faire par notre formulaire https://www.univ-mer.org/contact/

Nearly 300 videos at your disposal to help you learn about the oceans, seas and coasts in their many dimensions – geopolitical, economic, environmental, social, etc. Our video library is not exhaustive (it never will be) and therefore will evolve over time. Mainly in English and partially in French (remember to adjust your YouTube, Vimeo, etc. settings with an appropriate subtitle), this videos have variable lengths and come from public and private organizations: they engage only their authors and hosts. From your side, if you have a video to recommend to us, do not hesitate to do so by our form https://www.univ-mer.org/contact/  

Beauty of the Ocean

Our Planet: High Seas

Our Planet: Coastal Seas

BBC Making Scotland's Landscape: The Sea

Recifs coralliens : La beauté sous-marine

Netflix – Experience our planet’s natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope: 48 min – 2020

Netflix – Experience our planet’s natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scop: 49 min – 2020

BBC Making Scotland’s Landscape: 58 min – 2013

ARTE – Les récifs sont des structures sous-marines construites par les coraux. Les coraux sont des animaux marins, vivant en symbiose avec des algues et qui constituent leur propre squelette calcaire : 41 min – 2017

11 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage

Wild Pacific - The Beauty of Life

Antarctica - National Geographic Explorer

30 Days Timelapse at Sea

Nature Relaxation Films: Just relax!: 671 min – 2019

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of Earth’s oceanic divisions: 52 min – 2021

Antarctica – National Geographic Explorer & Lindblad Expeditions
Nov 29th – Dec 10th, 2016: 33 min – 2016

Through Thunderstorms, Torrential Rain & Busy Traffic: 10 min – 2017

Blue Economy: General

António Guterres, secretary-general of the United Nations at Ocean Conference june 2022

The Blue Economy defined

Achieving a Blue Economy for the Mediterranean Region

The Ocean Economy will eclipse $3 trillion by 2030

This year’s Ocean Conference in Lisbon is a call to action and a stage to showcase commitment for a sustainable blue economy that can create jobs while protecting the planet : 2 min – 2022

The Blue Economy is defined as the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs, while preserving the health of ocean ecosystem : 3 min – 2018

Achieving a Blue Economy for the Mediterranean Region : 6 min – 2021

The Ocean Economy will eclipse $3 trillion by 2030 : 12 min – 2020

Blue Economy: Geopolitical

Géopolitique des océans - Le pouvoir de la mer

James Stavridis: Power Dynamics at Sea

Indian Ocean Geopolitics: 1000AD

How India is TRAPPING China with its Military STRATEGY?

Terra Bellum : A travers une vidéo courte et synthétique, nous verrons en quoi la mer est un élément géopolitique complexe et dont l’importance n’a fait que croître au fil de l’histoire : 10 min – 2018

World Affairs: While many are likely to see land as a symbol of power, water could easily rise to a greater level of importance when thinking about global power and regional influence: 58 min – 2017

Dr. Jayesh Khaddar: While much attention is being paid to the current land boundary dispute between India and China in the backdrop of 1962 war, Doklam incident and now the current standoff in Aksai Chin, historically the two powers have interacted more along the oceanic routes: 15 min – 2020

Think School: In the past 3 episodes of the Geo-political series, we saw how China started with something called the Belt and Road initiative to conquer world trade!!: 15 min – 2022

Pour une Chine nouvelle - Développer une armée puissante

World Insight: 2021 geopolitical hot spots and security issues

Russia's dominance in the Arctic Region

Sea of Japan -The one and only name recognized by the international community

CGTN : L’édification d’une armée forte pour garantir la sécurité, l’indépendance et l’intégrité territoriale du pays est depuis toujours une composante vitale du rêve chinois du renouveau national. : 30 min – 2021

CGTN’s Tian Wei talks about China-U.S. relations under Biden, cross-Straits ties and the U.S.’ Indo-Pacific strategy: 41 min – 2021

Amit Sengupta: In this video we are going to understand Russia’s dominance in the Arctic region and how it occupies an unusual position in the world politics while maintaining a low profile and stays relatively quiet: 24 min – 2020

外務省 / MOFA: The name Sea of Japan is the only internationally established name for the sea area concerned. The sole use of the name has been widely shared in the international community including the United Nations and the U.S.: 4 min – 2021

Blue Economy: Governance

Who Owns the Sea?

Remarks Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Law of the Sea Convention

What Are the High Seas? BBNJ Negociation

Ocean Conference 2022- Opening Ceremony | United Nations (27 June 2022)

Where do we draw the lines? The waterways are important to national security as well. But how do you put boundaries on something constantly in motion? What happens to countries with no coastline? Can they partake of the ocean’s bounty? What happens when nations fight over liquid property rights?: 13 min – 2017

UN Video: Apr. 29, 2022: Remarks at a UN General Assembly Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Opening for Signature of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention: 4 min – 2022

Pew: Get the facts about the high seas—the two-thirds of our world’s oceans that are not under any country’s jurisdiction.: 3 min – 2016

Et pour en apprendre plus, voici la conférence participative réalisée en mars 2022 sur la gouvernance de la haute mer et la protection de sa biodiversité lien

Save our Ocean, Protect our Future. Humanity has been waging a war against nature and the world’s ocean — the lungs of our planet and the main source of food for more than a billion people — is now facing a multidimensional crisis driven by climate change, overfishing, habitat loss and pollution: 187 min – 2022

Blue Economy: Security & Safety

IMO : Making Shipping Safer

This is EMSA

European Maritime Safety Report (EMSAFE)

Marine Accidents and their Investigation

Over the years, the International Maritime Organization has shaped the way international shipping operates. From codes, conventions and guidelines touching upon safety of life at sea, life-saving appliance, safety of ships in polar waters, guidelines on fatigue, maritime autonomous surface ships and more, IMO has been enhancing the safety of international shipping for decades and is ready to tackle the challenges of the future: 8 min – 2019

For twenty years we have been at the side of the European Commission and the Member States. In that time, we have grown and developed to better adapt to the needs of those who use our services: 2 min – 2022

The first comprehensive overview of maritime safety in the European Union, the European Maritime Safety Report (EMSAFE) is a factual overview of a wide range of maritime safety topics, as well as an in-depth analysis of specific technical areas: 5 min – 2022

During the 2018 SAFETY4SEA Conference, Dr. John Kokarakis, Technical Director, Bureau Veritas, Hellenic & Black Sea Zone analyzed how critical is the investigation of marine accidents, not only for accountability and security awareness, but also live-saving: 14 min – 2018

SOLAS and the ISM Code

Maritime Security

UNODC Global Maritime Crime Programme)


The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST)
In this lecture, Master Mariner Paul Wright outlines the contents of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS): 27 min – 2019

European External Action Service (EEAS): 2 min – 2018

4 min – 2022

IORIS is the Indian Ocean Regional Information Sharing platform, initiated by EU CRIMARIO project and developed by Polymorph Ltd. With 128 users from 5 countries (November 2019) IORIS was selected by US Navy for the recent Cutlass Express exercice as the primary communications tool: 6 min – 2019

Blue Economy: Digital & High-Tech

Discover EMSA's Integrated Maritime Services

Combining AIS Data With Vessel Characteristics Data

Digital solutions for optimal collaboration within the entire port community

Découvrez Sinay Hub - Solution de données maritimes

These operational services provide improved support for search and rescue, pollution detection, fisheries monitoring, border control, drugs surveillance and anti-piracy tasks, to name just a few: 4 min – 2014

We all know that we can get data about all vessel movements worldwide from their AIS transponders – including capturing their data by special satellites when they are far from land. But we can do much more with the data if we combine it with the vessel characteristics, such as owner details, year of construction, dimensions and capacity, propulsion type, cargo, equipment, class, certification, fuel, etc: 55 min – 2022

Port of Rotterdam: Digitalisation is rapidly transforming the logistics chain and the way ports are run across the globe. PortForward gives an extra impulse to this development and the opportunities it provides: 3 min – 2020

Sinay : une vision de la nouvelle ère de l’industrie maritime : 3 min – 2020

Digital Global Fishing Watch

Cartographier les secrets des fonds marins de la Terre

Collaborative uncrewed capabilities for seabed warfare

Découvrez comment Global Fishing Watch combine des technologies de pointe, notamment des données satellitaires, les data et l’apprentissage automatique pour suivre, traiter et visualiser la pêche : 2 min – 2021

Bloomberg Quicktake: Nous en savons moins sur les fonds marins de la planète que sur la surface de la Lune ou de Mars. D’ici la fin de la décennie, les scientifiques espèrent créer une carte détaillée de ces territoires inexplorés et submergés: 10 min – 2021

Eca Group: USV/AUV collaborative capabilities: ECA Group and iXblue demonstrate new possibilities for seabed exploration.: 3 min – 2022

Blue Economy: Fishing

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture

Pavillon France - Les techniques de pêche

A great intro to fishing practices & the dangers of overfishing

David Attenborough Explains What We Need to Do to Stop Overfishing

FAO report – Sofia : 3 min – 2022

Aperçu des techniques utilisées en pêche française : 6 min – 2020

BestFishForward – An introduction to fishing methods : 4 min – 2020

Overfishing & conservation : 3 min – 2019

TED - Alasdair Harris

This is the most over-fished sea in the world

Fisheries Economics and Management

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing

How a handful of fishing villages sparked a marine conservation revolution : 12 min – 2019

The Economist – Overfishing in the Turkish Mediterranean area : 6 min – 2019 

8 min – 2017

Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing negatively impacts sustainable fisheries, livelihood and world fish stocks. These unsustainable practices threaten local biodiversity and food security : 3 min – 2022

IUU Fishing Index

The IUU Fishing Index, released by Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime and Poseidon : 2 min – 2022

Blue Economy: Aquaculture

Blue Transformation - Aquaculture

What's about Aquaculture ?

TED - Intro to aquaculture

TED - The case for fish farming : Mike Velings

FAO – A vision for resilient, equitable and sustainable aquatic food systems – 3 min – 2022

OceanMOOC – Aquaculture and Mariculture 11 min – 2017

Dive into the world of aquaculture and see how restorative ocean farming could play a vital role in helping our coastal communities, our oceans and our climate : 4 min – 2019

Fish farming = bad reputation (environmental problems & unsustainable) – so what to do? Recommend individual & collective actions, new techno : 15 min – 2016

Turning points in modern aquaculture

Precision aquaculture, restorative farming

Turning Points in Modern Aquaculture – this 15-min video was produced by the Aquaculture Service of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department for the Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010 and the Fifth session of the COFI Sub-Committtee on Aquaculture held in Phuket, Thailand in October 2010 : 15 min – 2012

Webinar about innovations – “projects to achieve more efficient and sustainable management of aquaculture farms.” : 30 min – 2021

Blue Economy: Coastal Tourism

Coastal Tourism: ResponSEAble European project

Importance of coastal areas

Can eco-tourism help save the ocean?

The Environmental Cost of Cruise Ships

Focuses on the challenges linked to coastal tourism, which can produce harms coastal habitats and biodiversity, resources and our own well-being : 6 min – 2018

Lecture to Coastal and marine activities, Coast Management and impacts on the environment… : 35 min – 2019

Documentary, Indonesia : 9 min – 2018

Brut : They may be a popular vacation option for people all over the world, but cruise ships have a disastrous impact on the environment… : 4 min – 2020

Impacts of Coastal and Ocean Tourism

Coastal and maritime tourism in the Blue Economy

Webinar on coastal resort & cruise tourism – consequences on the environment & ocean ecosystem : 60 min – 2015

Coastal and maritime (C&M) tourism is one of the major sectors of the Blue economy, representing between 5 and 10% of total jobs and GDP in Mediterranean EU countries : 78 min – 2019

Documentary, Indonesia : 9 min – 2018

Blue Economy: Cruse Tourism, Yachting

The Rise And Fall Of The Cruise Industry

15 Things You Didn’t Know About the Cruise Shipping Industry

With Humor, a view of cruise costs

TOP 6 des yachts de luxe dans le monde

Business Insider: Until COVID-19 hit, the global cruise industry was on course for a record-breaking year. But major coronavirus outbreaks on board ships cost lives, jobs, and damaged the reputation of the fastest-growing sector of the travel industry: 10 min – 2021

Here are 15 facts that you likely didn’t know about the cruise shipping industry!: 11 min – 2021

Cruises are the fastest growing travel sector in the United States, with 20 million people setting sail annually. On the latest Patriot Act, Hasan probes into what cruise lines like Royal Caribbean and Carnival don’t advertise: 22 min – 2019

Voici le Top 6 des yachts de luxe : 16 min – 2017

Le juteux business des yatchs de luxe - Thalassa

Spring Pop Up - Round Table 3

The 21st Century Uber Luxury Client

L’été, la Côte d’Azur attire des yachts du monde entier, tous plus luxueux les uns que les autres. Leurs propriétaires sont qatariens, américains ou russes: 15 min – 2016

Cluster Yachting Monaco – The increase of market shares of shipyards outside historical ones.: 45 min – 2022

Insights from practice and research: 94 min – 2022